Our business
Several important and critical functions depend on information from satellites. Space Norway’s task is to manage and further develop strategic and security-critical space infrastructure safeguarding basic national functions.
Space Norway’s activity level has increased significantly in recent years, as several essential space programs and projects have been carried to completion.
Space Norway owns and is responsible for the fibreoptic connection between mainland Norway and Svalbard. In addition to transmitting satellite data to customers worldwide, the fibre system is the primary connection between Svalbard and the outside world. The fibre connection has triggered significant space-related business development and provided benefits for the Svalbard community.
The Space Norway history
Norway was an early mover in adopting space technology, primarily because of the need for maritime communication and surveillance of vast ocean areas. Norwegian space activities have been user-oriented and a tool for safeguarding Norwegian interests. Space Norway is the result of a forward-looking Norwegian Space Agency in an early phase of space exploration.
Our business
Space Norway is 100% owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and represents a key part of the Norwegian Government’s activities and assets in the space sector.